The SEAD Fund invites small community groups and individuals to apply for funds to run or kick-start campaign activity that engages with people, has a demonstrable impact, and aims to links local issues with those being experienced by others around the world.

What We Fund

SEAD provides small grants for individuals or groups. Grants are typically £250. We fund positive action, and campaigning. We look for proposals where the grant will have the most impact -- for example, helping a new campaign to get started, or funding a specific concrete action for a local community. We do not normally fund travel, e.g. to visit a conference. We promote social justice, with a focus on the following areas:

Tackling Poverty
Climate Justice Climate Justice
Women's Rights
Young People
Health Justice


Founded in 1978, SEAD stands for Scottish Education and Action for Development. SEAD has two main aims:

  1. To challenge the causes of poverty, social injustice and environmental degradation.
  2. To support the community-based movement for positive social change - people collectively tackling challenges which have both a local and global perspective.


Our work is based on the following principles:
  • People-powered solutions.
  • Rooted in mutual solidarity.
  • We can all learn from each other.